Старшая дочь Анны Седовокой не одобряет ее откровенные снимки
Singer Anna Sedokova loves his children, two daughters and son.

Старшая дочь Анны Седовокой не одобряет ее откровенные снимки

Recently Sedokova told subscribers that Alina, the eldest daughter, is ashamed of his mother.

The daughter wants the mother flaunt your body.

“Remember, I did post, in which he used the phrase that the three of us, and we all have different names. Oh, how many in my stones after that abandoned, you yourself can not even imagine! What people said, and I just gave them a reason for insults. I saw correspondence Alina, where she protected me. The daughter wrote: “If anyone of you touch my family I will say all that you think about. I’ll never let you hurt my family”. And then I realized that the 12-year-old girl due to upheavals in my personal life, forced to defend himself. At this point I felt terribly right,” – said Anna.

We note that recently becoming a mother, the singer has already resumed his solo career.

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