Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру
The presenter came with adult daughter in the Bolshoi theater for a performance of the famous Eifman ballet.

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Julia BORDOVSKIKH with her husband Alex and daughter Mary

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Filipp Yankovsky & Oksana Fandera

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Yulia Bordovskih visited the Bolshoi theatre together with her husband,
businessman Alexei Kravtsov, and 18-year-old daughter Maria, which is near youthful
a mother mistaken for her younger sister Julia! Family Bordovskih visited Moscow
the premiere of the ballet “Russian hamlet”, which within the Open Art Festival
“Chereshnevy Les” presented the Saint-Petersburg ballet theatre of Boris Eifman.

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Irina Rodnina with children, Alexander and Alena and Mikhail Kusnirovich (Bosco di Ciliegi)

Photo: Yury Feklistov

choreographer, as always,
makes talking about the new Russian modern ballet with a capital letter, — said BORDOVSKIKH. And always performances of Eifman’s interesting from the point of view of innovation, while
his style is always recognizable. Very cool was made hussar history, scene
death, when Catherine was dying. At the same time, the second branch seemed
saturated acrobatic steps, and this, in my opinion, has blurred
the theme of ballet. But the overall impression is very emotional, bright…”

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Tatiana Tarasova and Elena Chaikovskaya

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Alisa Hazanova

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Tatiana Tarasova
admitted that “saw everything
the work of Boris Eifman, from the very beginning of the history of his theatre. And sufferings and invented
they performance is very fine strong.” And Vadim Abdrashitov
said “once again marveled at the incredible density of events, an extraordinary
concentrations of actions that always leads to an increase of dramatic tension.
This is a very interesting and exciting to watch. Eifman in this sense, just Titan
so much the better. How it all flies!”

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Vadim Abdrashitov

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

“Russian hamlet” has begun a tour of the theatre
Boris Eifman, Moscow. The performance troupe performed for many years, returned to
the repertoire in the year marking the 40-year anniversary of the team. For the first time
ballet “Russian hamlet” I saw in Warsaw — Boris Eifman and set him
in 1999, the music of Beethoven and Mahler. In his play the choreographer
turned to the iconic figure of Paul I — one of the most controversial
characters of national history. Not a very beloved by historians Paul from Eifman

Boris Eifman insists that returning to
the scene of his old ballets, he is not restoring them, and creates a new version of “This play is the XXI century, meeting the
the requirements of contemporary choreography, technology, creative
capabilities of our company. The dramaturgy remained the
same is the story of a young Prince Paul and his complex relationships with
mother, Empress Catherine the great. This period of his bright, ambitious
desires and first tragic catastrophes. A search of his answer to the eternal
hamlet’s “to Be or not to be”. But choreography is a totally new”.

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

Boris Eifman with the artists of the theatre after the ballet “Russian hamlet”

Photo: Yury Feklistov

By the way, the soloists imbued with the spirit
era, they were given a tour of the normally closed halls of the Mikhailovsky castle. “When we were taken there, where he killed Paul,
showed the stairs, we were greatly impressed and moved by these emotions to the stage”,
— told the prima ballerina of the theater Lyubov Andreyeva: “This is
not living history, and, of course, the theatrical version would be
interesting to watch the audience”.

Дочь Юлии Бордовских приняли за ее сестру

A scene from the “Russian hamlet”

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

In addition to Andreeva, the main parties in
the new play, the audience saw other stars of Eifman’s theatre — Oleg Gabysheva,
Mary Abasova, Andreev, Sergey Volobueva, Oleg Markov. By the way, at the time, “Russian
Hamlet” changed the life of starring: Gabyshev been dreaming about this party
for fourteen years, yet when he saw the ballet for the first time in Novosibirsk: “I saw the play twice — from the audience and
from behind the scenes. It was incredible, and I decided to try themselves in the modern

A scene from the “Russian hamlet”

Photo: courtesy of the organizers of the event

In the anniversary Armanasco team
at the Bolshoi will also present the ballet “Eugene Onegin”,
“Rodin”, “the other side of a sin”, “Up & Down”, “Anna Karenina”. Outdoor
Festival of Arts “cherry Forest” five times represented in Moscow
the premiere of the ballet theatre of Boris Eifman. And for the “Rodin, her
the eternal idol” Eifman was awarded the prize named Oleg
Yankovsky’s “Creative discovery — 2012”, established by the festival. “It is very important that the last five years we were
regular participants of such a unique phenomenon as the festival “Chereshnevy
forest,” — said Eifman.