Китаянка продала 20 айфонов и купила дом

Users have divided into two camps: some condemned cunning girl, and someone… believes that it is – well done!

The iPhone has long been a subject of vulgar jokes and the measure of women’s greed. And, it seems, to the list of jokes erotic about this gadget soon added another. Savvy Chinese lit as many as twenty young people on the latest model of smartphone.

What were promised a resident of the city Shenzhen men for such an expensive gift, is not known. However, all admirers of the girl as one rushed to the electronics store and bought her cherished camera.

When all 20 gadgets were presented, the enterprising lady put them in the online store. IPhones at the moment scattered like hot cakes, and the Chinese helped them 120 thousand yuan (more than a million rubles). Received the money she gave as a down payment on a house.

After the fraud came out, netizens were divided into two camps: some praise for a lady ingenuity, the second reproach of commercialism. But we hope that all the deceived men still got what he wanted for his gift.