Джигурду могут депортировать из России

Lawyer Marina Anisina those requests law enforcement agencies to check the legality of stay in Russia of her former husband.

Sergei Zhorin, a lawyer for Olympic champion in figure skating Marina Anisina those, recently applied to the Ministry of internal Affairs po krasnogorskomu RAYONU Moscow region about check of legality of stay of the citizen of Ukraine of Nikita Dzhigurda in Russia.

“I know he’s not stood on the account as required by law, that is violated migration legislation”, – the lawyer told RIA Novosti.

According to him, violation of immigration laws is an administrative offense, and if it’s true, Nikita Dzhigurda fined or deported from Russia. The main hearing in court is scheduled for November 29.

Earlier, Marina Anisina filed for divorce after 8 years of marriage, but the court Dzhigurda said that divorce does not want to. Although the actor admitted that already found a replacement for ex-wife and even going to invite her to future wedding.