Церемония вручения премии «Оскар-2017» завершилась грандиозным скандалом
At the ceremony “Oscar-2017” has been an incredible embarrassment.

Церемония вручения премии «Оскар-2017» завершилась грандиозным скандалом

This never happened – best film of the year was not that tape, which was called from the scene. The whole world is wondering: this was a terrible mistake or a well thought out move?

Церемония вручения премии «Оскар-2017» завершилась грандиозным скандалом

So, the main award of the evening – “Best film”. For the announcement of the winner on the scene of faye dunaway and Warren Beatty – they open the envelope and read out “La La land” – at this point, the movie musical has already received 6 figurines in various categories. Team picture goes up on the stage, spoken acceptance speech. And suddenly the master of ceremonies Jimmy Kimmel says error and shows a real envelope with the name of the winner – film “Moonlight” tells the story of a gay African-American.

The situation came as a total shock not only for spectators but also for the stars in the audience. Social media users are outraged – the whole incident looks at least as nice and even humiliating for the creators and fans of “La La land” have already started to celebrate the victory of his film.

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