Альбом Бейонсе о предательстве признан лучшим за 2016 год

The musical results were summarized by the American magazine Rolling Stone.

Popular American magazine Rolling Stone made a list of the best albums of 2016. Topped the hit parade of beyoncé with the album “Lemonade”, which the singer presented in April.

The reason for his success is mixed. On the one hand, nobody doubts the professionalism of Beyonce, her music is a crowd pleaser, they are often leading the world in top charts. However, around the new album went, and a lot of rumors. Most of the songs on this disc devoted to the theme of betrayal, rage and love that has given rise to talk about the fact that the family Beyonce and Jay-Z is not going smoothly. Supposedly, rumor has it that the rapper allegedly got himself on the side of “Becky with good hair”… anyway, the album beyoncé has won many top awards and brought pop Queen her first nomination for an Emmy.

Second place in the ranking took Rolling Stone David Bowie with his 25-th edition of the album “Blackstar”, which he released a few days before his death. Why not first place, it is reasonable to ask you. The compilers of this list were thinking about this. However, as writes correspondent of Rolling Stone: “Bowie would be the first to say that “Lemonade” is the album of the year”.

The top ten also included works by Frank ocean, Kanye West, Leonard Cohen, the Rolling Stones and Radiohead.

“It was a year of unambiguous political R’n’b tracks, the revolutionary rock and hip-hop, which treats. It did not disappear careless pop stars, the chroniclers of indie rock and rappers ready to showcase your personality”, – notes the edition.