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Sales of the same book Jojo Moyes grew by 40 percent after the film with a heartbreaking story that left no one indifferent.

The sale of the book Jojo Moyes grew by 40%, despite the fact that she was so popular with readers. This trend is noticed online store Ozon.ru.

In an average month, the couriers took lovers of English prose novelist of from 800 to 1,000 books in six months it sold 5 million copies, and last year more than 15 million, the film made it a real bestseller. Conclusion: I want to make a book a bestseller – get a film on it. But to start, of course, is with the plot, which hurts in the heart.

“I read the book immediately after watching the movie,” the frequent opinion about the touching and heartbreaking story from Jojo Moyes. “Before I met you” not let go long: you came out of the theater, minding my own business, in a week have moved on to other movies or TV series, but no-no catch yourself thinking: what would you do in place of Louise Clark? Why did he do that? And why is love (spoiler alert!) not conquered death?

And really, why? The first hour the hall restless laughing. The lady dragons, her outfits and amazing eyebrows (if you did not pay attention to them, how do you look?) reveal to viewers the world of the living emotions and eccentricities of beautiful, free social templates. A smile will Traynor performed by Sam Claflin, would seem to promise a happy ending. But Jojo Moyes does not go to vanilla interchange.

Story “Before I met you” left no one indifferent, but not only because the main love drama. Just, each found his or her pain point. This parable is about the power of the spirit, and simple joys, of hope and despair, dignity and the ability to understand and make decisions loved ones, and most importantly – about life, about love to her and the desire to live life to the fullest.

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