Вид стареющей Натальи Орейро вызвал жалость у поклонников The star of the series “Wild angel” has changed beyond recognition. Natalia Oreiro has noticeably aged, the actress appeared wrinkles. Fans noticed that even the shape of the face of the actress has lost its former shape.

Almost twenty years ago cranes came the series “Wild angel”, actress Natalia Oreiro became an idol for young people. Girls tried to emulate my favorite actress in the whole. However, after a while fans stopped to see the actress without makeup and filters on Instagram.

Natalia posted a photo taken during work in the garden. Natural look Oreiro shocked her fans. “What makes life with people. So sorry she got old. This was a beauty in her youth, already to tears, But it’s in the mind absolutely does not fit! She recently had 20”, “Very sorry for her”, “Wrinkles because they age! Why no public figures do not think of the people? For their fat and wrinkles watch out! Not sure what you have, they do not appear every day more and more!” – left comments fans.

However, most fans postroeno met Frank the artist. “For his age Natalia looks great!”, “She looks fine, she’s just here without makeup, and therefore wrinkles are visible, many young with the same wrinkles”, “She’s an amazing person and personality! Super actor, singer, fashion designer!” – shared the actress fans.

Oreiro this year forty years old. The actress speaks out against plastic surgery. Natalia repeatedly stated in interviews that he wants to grow old without resorting to surgery.

The actress loves to play football, even in TV shows with her participation it is often necessary to enter the field or cheering in the stands. In addition to filming a movie Oreiro actively involved in social activities. In 2011, star became a goodwill Ambassador for Argentina and Uruguay.

The artist has a teenage son, who was named Merlin Atahualpa. Natalia continues to act in TV shows and releasing songs. Oreiro has repeatedly visited Russia, fans of foreign stars gladly welcomed actress and presented her gifts.