Татьяну Васильеву приняли за консьержку The actress got into a bad situation. Friend Tatyana Vasilyeva told how his student was calling to the artist and demanded to allocate him a room. First, celebrity has agreed to host the young man and rescue him, but ultimately was forced to refuse. “StarHit” recalls a funny episode from the life of movie stars, which today celebrates 70 year anniversary.

      Татьяну Васильеву приняли за консьержку

      At the end of the 90s the number of places in student hostel was limited. Ask for to come to the forgotten distant relatives, rent a room at Granny’s… alumni of the schools were looking for ways to get prestigious education and to stay in the capital. Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva know the excitement. After moving from Leningrad to the white stone and acting in the Moscow art theater, it has long had to wander in strange corners. 28 Feb star is 70 years old, and of course, she has been living in his house. But Vasilyev is always ready to help the student find themselves without a roof over your head. On one of these occasions says a friend of the actress, Director Joseph Raihelgauz.

      “I taught at the directing Department GITIS – says “StarHit” Joseph Leonidovich. On the senior courses I have studied a 27-year part-time students Ivan Gerasimov. He is a native of Chelyabinsk. Came to Moscow only to surrender session. Relatives and close friends in the city he was not, therefore, roly always stayed in the University hostel… somehow I Wake up early from a phone call. Sleepily groped for the phone, hear a familiar voice: “Joseph Leonidovich, sorry for the early concerns. This Gerasimov! Prompt, please, phone Tatyana Vasilyeva!”

      Understanding nothing, looked at the clock – seven thirty in the morning. I think once a person asks so urgently the room, so something happened. Surely he wants to see the play with her participation in the film or invited to appear. Moreover, Vasilyeva liked to chat with students and to give them advice. Barely he opened his eyes, yawning, found in a bedside table notebook, dictated cherished numbers and went back to sleep.

      After a couple of days accidentally intersect with Tanya in the corridors of the University. With a smile she asks me, “Gerasimov’s your student?” Confidently answer: “Yes! What happened?” Here I gave. It turns out that in the same morning, Ivan called her.

      “You Tatyana Vasilyeva?” – asked the young man. A sleepy voice muttered a celebrity: “I! And who are you?” Gerasimov kindly introduced himself, said he is studying at College and said: “I Have to ask you a small! I’ll come to the session three days earlier. Can stay at yours?” The actress even the gift of speech was gone, half asleep, and said, “Come, what to do with you, not on the street to leave”. Tanya knew very well what the students are struggling, and to help ward the other – a good thing. Vanka turn of events was delighted: “great! Just relocate me to a room with no neighbors, I to the examination in silence we must be prepared”. Vasiliev was taken aback: “How is it – with no neighbors, my dear? And where do I my son do?” Ivan for a couple of seconds silence on the other end of the phone, and then gave: “Well done, I have no other option. It’s urgent, you know. Money is no problem, will pay whatever it costs”.
      Татьяну Васильеву приняли за консьержку

      Tanya, already baffled, politely refused financial remuneration, and hastened to end the conversation with an obsessive young man. But Joe managed to tell her to wait for him two days later for dinner. And do not lie. At the appointed time he arrived at the Kazan railway station and headed to check in to the hostel of the University. “Good day! I Ivan Gerasimov, a student of the directing faculty. Called you, asked for a separate room. Keys will be given?” – asked the guy to check with the Concierge. An elderly woman began to search for disciple but to no avail. Ivan asked her to check again – failed again. “How so? I have here room even survived. I gave it to Joseph Leonidovich. Let us understand not to spend the night to me at the station,” cried the young man.

      Grandma scored charged the room on the other end answered. The phone went Vasiliev. “Hello, there’s a student Gerasimov claims that you have booked him a room. Name your position in the administration, if you give such orders,” protested the old woman. On the unexpected charge, the actress replied: “Hello! What Dorm, what administration? You know who you’re talking to? I’m an actress, Tatyana Vasilyeva! Goodbye.”

      Татьяну Васильеву приняли за консьержку

      Celebrity hung up. The Concierge with a serious face turned to Ivan. He waited for the end of the conversation. “Comrade Gerasimov! Why are you called actress Tatyana Vasilyeva?” – surprised woman. Vanya didn’t even know you are talking about: “No artist I didn’t call. Scored you – Tatiana Vasilievna. Concierge. I room Joseph Leonidovich Raihelgauz suggested”.

      And then it all cleared up. It turns out that I didn’t get sleepy, that van needs a T. V. and not Tatiana Vasilieva. Our celebrity, of course, laughed heartily when he learned the truth. And Gerasimov long apologized to her”.