Татьяна Навка высказалась в защиту старшей дочери Skater has promised to deal with anyone who unflattering about Sasha. Tatiana Navka gave to understand that she’s determined. The Olympic champion has warned the world that he would personally send them in the “black list”.

The eldest daughter of the celebrated figure skater Tatiana Navka, 17-year-old Sasha Zhulin is taking its first steps on stage, a girl sings well. And recently, Alexander has become the leading one of the programs on MUZ-TV. The heiress of the grooves having fun in the company Campbell and DiCaprio

Publicity is known to have unpleasant side. Being under the eye of the public, the stars have to withstand a barrage is not always a fair criticism. Detractors often leave unflattering comments on social networks to Sasha Galinoy. And Tatiana Navka felt obliged to stand up for the daughter. The skater has published in the microblog post, addressed to the haters Sasha.

“My daughter graduated from grade 10 almost perfectly, and I am very happy! And the fact that every day she learns and develops, breaks these strong walls of life, comes to their rake and still going forward – for me the most important thing…

…PS: If someone don’t like her dress, nose, mouth, her voice, feet, hands or anything else , please do not write your angry comments, I’m still going to remove them, and writer’s block. Because I am proud of my daughter and support her in all endeavors! Be happy – you and your children!” warned Tatiana Navka.

These words skater wrote under the video that captured performance by Sasha Galinou on a school night. The girl sang a song in English.

Subscribers Tatiana Navka, not previously knowing about vocal abilities, Sasha, was pleasantly surprised to learn about this talent of the successor of the Olympic champion. “Amazing voice, dress, nose, hands and feet! Well Done Alex! Had no idea that she could sing”, “Tatiana, Sasha has a very beautiful voice!”, “I rarely look in on you on page. Now and was pleasantly surprised! Very beautifully sung! Well done! Tanya, you are a great mother!” – comments left by fans under the post Tatiana Navka.

Sasha formed a great relationship with my mom. Tatiana knowingly refers to the desires of his daughter. When Zhulin left tennis due to injury, the Pastor helped her to get over the disappointment.

“My parents always supported me and support. They do not forbid, but rather helped and will help. They are very happy for me and what I do. Parents think that I should do what I love and be happy”, said Sasha “StarHit”.