Татьяна Лютаева совместила отдых и работу
The actress along with Dmitry duuuum went on tour to Cyprus.

Татьяна Лютаева совместила отдых и работу

Tatiana Lutaeva

Photo: Philip Potters. The Tatiana dress Svetlana Polyakova

Photo: Instagram

Tatiana lutaeva escaped from
cold and slushy Moscow in Sunny Cyprus. The actress combines
pleasant pastime with work. Together with Dmitry Duuuum star
she came to the sea in the city of Limassol on tour with the performance “Free love”
based on the play “These free butterflies” Leonard Gersh. Interestingly, in the play
Tatiana plays the mother of Dmitry Dyuzheva: two stars, let alone the stage

The plot of the play
— a blind guy named Donald (Dmitry Dyuzhev). Tired of the excessive
care of the mother (Tatiana lutaeva), he left home for the sake of a free life
musician. His roommate is a charming and eccentric
an actress named Jill (Daria Filenko), with the face of an angel and the habits of the devil. In
huge cold new York, despite the difference in social origins and
education, these two feel an irresistible attraction to each other.

The whole theater company
enjoy walking along the coast, and some of the actors, for example, Daria
Filenko, even ventured to plunge into the sea, despite the fact that the temperature
air there this time of the year does not exceed 22 degrees.

Tatiana lutaeva repeatedly
combined leisure with work, but in a real vacation this year and not
out. For example, in late summer, the actress has visited Sochi, where, together with
the children from the rehabilitation center WE, who curates took part in rafting.