Таня Терешина готова к новым любовным отношениям The singer is in a romantic mood since the beginning of summer. Tanya Tereshina told me that she has dreams in which she feels very happy. According to the star, very soon she may fall in love.

      Таня Терешина готова к новым любовным отношениям

      Singer Tatiana Tereshina met the summer in a romantic mood. Recently, the star shares in the microblogging photos in which she poses in a beautiful flying in spectacular dresses and bathing suits. Almost every night Tereshina see vivid dreams, which she recounts in “Instagram”.

      “I had a beautiful, crystal-pure wave, they had me covered, and I was happy. It says the new novel” – he interpreted my dream Tatiana.
      Таня Терешина готова к новым любовным отношениям

      By the way, for a long time the singer did not enter into a love relationship with the opposite sex, since I was busy on the set. However, the rumors about the new Hobbies of the stars did not cease. Tanya Tereshina had an affair with a friend Mitya Fomin.

      In turn, the singer devotes every spare minute education two year old daughter ARIS. Men Tereshina communicates exclusively on business issues. At the moment, the star involved in the project dedicated to the repair, which is broadcast on cable television.

      Behind Tereshinoy unsuccessful civil marriage with Vyacheslav Nikitin. The couple has been together for several years, and in 2015 the lovers parted. According to Tatiana, the reason for the breakup was the surplus aggression of the elect. His instability was a danger not only for herself but for their daughter ARIS. Two year old little girl is your daddy, she’s the same as Vyacheslav eyes and similar to the father’s facial features.

      After parting ways with Nikitin Tereshina afraid to start a new relationship, because he didn’t want to be offended. However, in the opinion of her fans, the singer does not have to appearance as a man. “Of course, I don’t really believe, but say it is impossible to keep the house paintings of one woman, must be someone else, the best man, even just a silhouette to avoid loneliness in life”, – wrote in the microblog Tereshinoy subscribers.

      According to Feng Shui to the apartment lonely girl there was a man, it is necessary that all things had a few: two toothbrushes, two cups, two pillows. The house should not be items or gifts, reminiscent of a former lover. Experts believe that if Tanya Tereshina wants to establish a personal life, she should always keep a vase with fresh flowers, for example, yellow tulips, which are symbols of a happy family life. 15 steps to marriage and wealth

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