Стриженовы, Галыгин, Якубович и Эрнст собрались на юбилее культового телешоу In early October, the program “the View” turned 30 years old. On this occasion, in Moscow was held the party, which was attended by Konstantin Ernst, Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov, Vadim Galygin, Leonid Yakubovich, Katya LEL, Garik Sukachev, Sergei Galanin, and many others.

On Wednesday in one of the capital’s restaurants hosted a party on the occasion of the anniversary of the program “Vzglyad”. 30 years ago – October 2, 1987 – on the screens out the first issue of religious transmission. A TV show called the voice of a generation, opened many bright names. Once in the “Look” worked Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vlad Leaves, Artem Borovik, Andrew Rasbash.

In the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the program, gathered Konstantin Ernst, Leonid Yakubovich, Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenov, Dmitry Krylov, Vadim Galygin, Bari Alibasov, Garik Sukachev, Sergei Galanin, Katya LEL, Hrushevsky and many others.

One of the founders and host of “the View” Alexander Lyubimov appeared at the event in a t-shirt with the inscription “All power to the Soviets! Of the USSR”. Once he went out there in the ether. “To late 80s it was terribly revolutionary”, – said Elena Afanasyeva, Director of creative planning of the First channel.

During the event, the room shared their memories, and Ernst said about the uniqueness of the television project, which became a cult.

“We are fortunate that we are uniquely coincided with the time, and it was, of course, not a television program. They can do a lot of different, good and bad. But such programs as “the View” was not and never will” – said General Director of the First channel.

Konstantin Ernst was supported by thunderous applause. He also expressed gratitude to all who worked on “the View”. Alexander Lyubimov has supported the colleague.

Then came on the scene well-known artists. Their hits, the audience were pleased Garik Sukachev and Sergei Galanin. The guests were delighted with the rich program of the event and share feelings on social networks.

“ASSA to the masses! Alexander Lyubimov played the role of a monster that eats the 90s! I’m impressed with the energy of the event and understanding of belonging. This day forever changed my life. Thank you legendary body of the program “the View,” shared producer Dmitry Fedorov in his microblog.

Earlier in the broadcast of the TV show “Evening Urgant” Alexander Lyubimov told about the creation of a transmission and a unique team. “I offered to call the program “X” – Information, Comments, Sensationalism, he said, laughing. We loved not all. Sometimes we were called bastard, especially when he passed the Plenum of the Central Committee. Total downloads, it’s a pity the ratings are not measured”. Lyubimov also spoke about his book, dedicated to the anniversary of the “Look”.