Стеша Маликова вспоминает о школе со слезами на глазах The daughter of a famous musician shared their experiences. Stesha Malikova regret its fast-paced study in Zhukovka. The girl feels a sense of nostalgia for a time that she feels most beautiful in life.

This year the daughter of a famous composer and singer Dmitry Malikov, Stephanie became a student of the prestigious University, she was enrolled in the MGIMO faculty, of which she had dreamed. It would seem that everything turned out the way I wanted the successor of the famous family. But as intimated Stesha Malikova, these autumn days are filled with her light sadness. The girl really misses the school and her classmates. She had difficulty adjusting to her new life, Stephanie is sad thinking that she would never sit at the Desk in his favorite class.

Your emotions Stesha Malikova shared with subscribers microblog, posting a picture made during a meeting with classmates.

“This sweet word “school”. Remember, in recent years, wanted to finish school. And today got nostalgic, with tears in his eyes I realize that it was a great time. Everything is a native, warm, cozy. It is a pity that now only remains to come to the reunion. Appreciate the moments before they become memories. It is unique,” wrote Stephanie Malikova.

Members of the young celebrity was given to understand that they have emotions that are now experiencing the recent schoolgirl. However, they are confident that Stephanie will have a great time students.

“Enjoy your youth to the full, beautiful! Never give up and always know that the best is still ahead of you”, “the Students really better! Don’t be sad, get used to it”, “School is a very gentle time, but after a while you get used to the students, the University will become family, you will find close friends, will be many interesting events, this time will not be changing vivid and memorable, initially all nostalgic for school” – supported Stefania Malikov her followers.

It should be noted that the approving user comments in the microblog the successor of the famous family, a rarity. Stefaniya Malikova very often attacked by the haters. Several of these attacks she had to endure last summer. Beauty was accused of “cronyism” for admission to the University, dishonestly obtained high scores on the exam, was criticized for “five” in basic mathematics. Stashu Malikov ridiculed for exam results