Стефанию Маликову раскритиковали за любовь к роскошной жизни
The daughter of popular singer Dmitry Malikov Stephanie is an active user of Network, subscribers are watching with interest about her personal life.

Стефанию Маликову раскритиковали за любовь к роскошной жизни

The other day in the microblog girl had a picture where she appeared in the clothing brand signed brand every thing. Fans condemned her for this and started to criticize Stephanie.

Стефанию Маликову раскритиковали за любовь к роскошной жизни

“Very stylish look, but people will not respect you as long as you do not earn these things”, “by parents wearing expensive clothes, and brags,” wrote under the followers.

Many thought that she will be able to show off their stuff, only when itself will run on them, and so she simply enjoys the wealth of their parents.

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