Звезда «Папиных дочек» радикально сменила имидж
Miroslava Karpovich was again decided on a change in appearance.

Звезда «Папиных дочек» радикально сменила имидж

Miroslava Karpovich.

Photo: Social networks

Miroslava Karpovich.

Photo: Social networks

Miroslava Karpovich continues to search for his own style. Famous for the image of brown for her role in “Daddy’s daughter”, she shortly after the filming of the series went blonde. Long time fans of the actress could not get used to her new hair color. But recently she was again repainted… a brunette. Shortly before an exotic vacation, she visited her favorite stylist, who helped her to radically change the hair color.

Miroslav came up with to describe your new style new term: “Brunetes!” Fans Karpovich happy, though, and complain that do not have time to follow the rapidly changing actress. “Hurrah! New color! Boy, that is not “stuck in one way,” “Wow! Again brunette”, “Very dark color! Beautiful,” I admire Miroslava Network users.

Recently, Karpovich was suspected of anorexia. The actress, according to others, began to look exhausted. However, Miroslav hastens to reassure all concerned: it is also powered, as before, and as proof showed a picture of my lunch. The number of dishes on the table indicates that the artist should not be any painful diets.