Станислав Садальский жестко высказался о новогодних программах The artist is convinced that in recent years holidays have become monotonous and uninteresting for the audience. According to celebrity scenarios of gear seem meaningless. They rarely found something really worth attention. Members of the actor disliked his criticism.

      Станислав Садальский жестко высказался о новогодних программах

      Stanislav Sadalsky has acted with criticism of the producers of the TV channels, having accused them that they their programs unwittingly reminded him of Soviet times. It seems that the modern possibilities of media companies can afford something more than traditional entertainment with dancing and all the familiar songs. Celebrity also confused by the humor that is present in the holiday releases each year. According to Sadalsky, jokes in such esters seem inappropriate and unfounded.

      The actor believes that such presentation of the Christmas gear can only cause disgust and reluctance to look at. Star marvels as are still among Russians, people who sit around all eve of the feast in front of the TV and watch these esters.

      “I have the feeling that the world stood in 1993. Impossible repertoire, popular prints, macabre jokes. And all together it – just dive in hell! I sincerely was afraid to switch channels in order not to get into “the past”, agricultural matinee on applications from the 80’s! How can you bring the TV to such ugliness and such bad taste? I’m in shock! I wonder how many will survive in this form of “entertainment” television?” – outraged Sadalsky in the social network.

      The artist considers shameful everything that is broadcast to the audience during the January holidays.. it seems that popular Internet users are much more interesting to those people who broadcast on television. For Sadalsky remains a mystery why the representatives of the domestic show business continue to attend such events because, according to him, this process may not deliver any pleasure.

      “Already the Internet releases simple bloggers more popular than these pathetic two buttons! Sorry for our artists, who habitually agree to participate in “the Ball of Satan”! Jeez, when will these “Song of the Year” and “Blue lights”? – protested the artist.

      The subscribers were divided into two camps. Some refused to side with the celebrity. They said that the man just needs a break from TV because there is nothing wrong with not show. The followers had the impression that Sadalsky biased attitude to the new year ethers. However, many netizens have supported the actor, agreeing with him about the fact that the celebration program has lost its brightness and originality. Subscribers stars believe that his conversion, the man decided to speak openly about long-festering problem.

      “I do not quite agree, but overall I approve your words. You really need to pay attention to the script!”, “Not that we are all bad, of course, but, overall, not look much like. More desire just listen to the music”, “Let’s not be so strict! But I agree that much rigid in the air. The stars need to freshen up and to put forward their ideas,” wrote the followers on the microblog artist.