Супруг Людмилы Гурченко рассказал правду о ее ссоре с дочерью
More than six years ago, became the famous actress Lyudmila Gurchenko, which soon turned 82 years old.

Супруг Людмилы Гурченко рассказал правду о ее ссоре с дочерью

Everyone knows about the uneasy relationship Lyudmila Markovna heir to Mary Queen. The other day the husband of the actress told the true reason of the quarrel of the daughter with the mother.

Супруг Людмилы Гурченко рассказал правду о ее ссоре с дочерью

“It’s a figure of speech – clashed with my daughter. The fact that Lucy and Mary do not conflict, it cannot be called a… What is the conflict? I can see the kitchen, and there are people angry excited. Just at the time Mary stopped to chat with my mom. This was already so much all was told. (…) In this whole story I had the feeling that she is a person driven. Maybe she was good at manipulating not very educated, slim and intelligent people. They have brought this situation to what happened. There is not Mary, there’s other people”, – says Sergey Senin.

Man and after the death of his wife could not find a common language with her daughter, with whom they shared a flat actress in Trekhprudny lane.

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