Сестра Армена Джигарханяна уверена, что брат не понимает своих действий
In a recent edition of Dmitry Shepelev “In fact,” the editor managed to contact the sister of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

Сестра Армена Джигарханяна уверена, что брат не понимает своих действий

According to women, she does not know who is now with her brother and why it is impossible to see. Sister of actor admits that he has relatives willing to help.

Сестра Армена Джигарханяна уверена, что брат не понимает своих действий

“You have to understand that Armen Borisovich has suffered two heart attacks and two strokes. It is clear that in this age the changes begin in the brain, there is a suspicion, emotional irritability, which, first and foremost, directed at loved ones, anger that he had very often. Once he locked himself in his office by himself and for several days refused to return home at night,” says the woman.

The sister of the actor said that Armen Borisovich is not the first time speaks out about the divorce, but this time he was influenced by friends.

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