Сестра Джигарханяна о друзьях актера: «Они не хотят, чтобы Армен Борисович выздоровел» A close relative of Armen Borisovich was released on bond from Italy with the Studio talk show “In fact”. Marina Jigarkhanyan said guests and experts of transfer, he did not know the people who are with her brother.
Сестра Джигарханяна о друзьях актера: «Они не хотят, чтобы Армен Борисович выздоровел»In the second issue of “In fact” with Dmitry Shepelev, which focuses on a family conflict, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, invited guests and experts once again tried to figure out what happened between a famous actor and his wife the pianist Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.We will remind, the woman left Russia a few days ago, now she is in Georgia’s interests in Moscow is Elina Mazur. During the program the relationship with the Studio talk show out sister Armen Borisovich Marina. A close relative said that he did not know friends who lately are close with her brother and not allowed to his house of strangers. According to the woman, Dzhigarkhanyan has another sister and nephews, is ready to help the actor.”You have to understand that Armen Borisovich has suffered two heart attacks and two strokes. It is clear that in this age the changes begin in the brain, there is a suspicion, emotional irritability, which, first and foremost, directed at loved ones, anger that he had very often. Once he locked himself in his office by himself and for several days refused to return home at night,” said the sister of Armen Borisovich.
Сестра Джигарханяна о друзьях актера: «Они не хотят, чтобы Армен Борисович выздоровел»

According to Marina Dzhigarkhanyan, actor not for the first time is going to divorce his wife. She is confident that the friends turned the master against the wife in order to take over his theatre. Arthur Soghomonyan and another friend do not allow the actor to see his family. On a talk show sister asked my brother back into the family. The woman said that he believes Vitalina, the pianist really loves Armen Borisovich. According to Marina, the day before the wedding as a sign of respect and gratitude Dzhigarkhanyan rewrote the apartment on wife.

“He was angry with her, she forgave all. She told me: “don’t worry, I’ll never leave him”. The worst thing is that they both knew Vitalinu, so it despicable and cowardly that they did,” said a close relative.
Сестра Джигарханяна о друзьях актера: «Они не хотят, чтобы Армен Борисович выздоровел»

Then the program was invited Nikas Safronov. Famous artist agreed with my sister Dzhigarkhanyan, he told me that Armen Borisovich and Mara were happy together.

“He adored her. This is the only person whom he loved”, – said Safronov.

The opinions of the participants of the talk show were divided. Some have argued that legal wife used Armen Borisovich in personal goals, and friends saved the popular favorite. However, the sister of actor Marina and the representative Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya Elina Mazur insist that Mara still loves Dzhigarkhanyan and nothing do not steal. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya responded to the accusations in the theft of 80 million