Сергей Стиллавин о гибели Бачинского: «Когда Гена разбился, жизнь остановилась» The presenter told us how grieved the loss of a close friend, colleague Gennady Bachinsky. Ten years after the tragedy, Sergei Stillavin told how found the strength to come to terms with the death of a dear person.
Сергей Стиллавин о гибели Бачинского: «Когда Гена разбился, жизнь остановилась»

Sergey Stillavin and Gennady Bachinsky – the most popular leading Duo early 2000s. They have worked together, since 1995, changed radio stations, but was always together.

The creative tandem was interrupted by tragedy: in January 2008 Gennady Bachinsky lost control of the car and died in a car accident.

Sergei long to recover, only after a while was able to give an interview about the other. Ten years later, in the “Word” of the TV channel “Spas” Sergei admits that the death of Bachynsky became for him a real tragedy, he had no idea how to live and work on, because Gennady was more to him than a partner and more than a friend. Stillavin Bachinsky perceived as a father, even though he was older by only two years. Moreover, having worked for more than 10 years together, they talked to each other.

“He was my substitute dad. He taught me instead of my father, how to act the man in my life… It was not only a partner, it was me, actually, father, companion and friend, and all together, the person who could instruct me… And when he crashed to say that life has stopped – not to say anything… I was torn partner, without whom I couldn’t work, I didn’t know what to do…” – said Stillavin.

They were really and truly close friends. Sergey admitted that with any woman, not even with his parents, he didn’t have such a trusting relationship, such Frank conversations with Bachynskyi. So losing a loved one, Stillavin only now, years later articulates: “You fall into a black”. He never had the strength to even tears. “The only time I cried. Sat in the car, at the traffic lights, and 20 seconds was sobbing. Me emotionally like poured cement, and in the black I two years was… I had thought not to return to radio, well, because I could not do this alone…” – said Sergey.

Gennady Bachinsky was lost, having left on a counter strip to overtake. The attempt of the maneuver was fatal for him, and for one woman – she was in the car, facing the car radio. They say the collision could have been avoided, but Bachinsky lost control, spun off. Stillavin now says that the car his friend was driving not very good, was not experienced enough, rashly counting on a miracle of technology.

In addition, Stillavin remembered how kind, sincere man was his friend Bachinsky.

“He was soul of the company, not the master of ceremonies who pulls the blanket over himself, and warm, sincere, erudite conversationalist… Gene could afford to go to three, and in five to come to work, to be cheerful in the air, and conversations between our sleep and it was awesome… As in personal communication it was not possible not to fall in love – he was a man of warm, kind… Warm he was by nature, and bullies we were in the circumstances…” – said Stillavin.

Bachinsky recent years has become a deeply religious man, went to Church, even got married with his wife. Stillavina to survive the death of a friend also helped faith: “there Was a feeling that I pulled out a piece of the body, but then I went to confession, and I can honestly say, I experienced an unreal physical sensations… as if the body was electricity. I asked the priest this question, which asks anyone who has lost their loved one… Then the answer seemed to me insufficient, and now it seems logical to me. He told me something like: “We do not know the plans of God… May take ten years, maybe twenty, it will be clear that it is not so simple to arrange in my life…” That is some interweaving of destinies, people would not have been possible, had it not been for this trouble… it’s terrible word, but I understand… But honestly, I still don’t find excuses for this loss…” – said Sergey Stillavin.