Сергей Пынзарь увез двухмесячного сына из душной Москвы Star family “House-2” relaxes on the sea. Sergey Pynzar with his wife Daria and two children went on a fascinating journey through the Crimea. The younger son of a pair of not three months.

      Сергей Пынзарь увез двухмесячного сына из душной Москвы

      Daria and Sergey Pinzari – easy-going people. The family loves to travel and live in different places. So, being pregnant with her second child, the star of “House-2” resting with loved ones and friends in Thailand, where she led an active lifestyle.

      Recovering from childbirth, Daria began to dream about what it would be great to take your family to sea. Spouse Sergey hastened to fulfill the desire of his beloved and arranged a trip to the Crimea.

      “1600 km of Moscow-Simferopol. The normal flight. Took his beloved to breathe healthy air in the Crimea. In Moscow in this heat is nothing to do. And then around the mountain, the forest and the cleanest sea! Stayed at the Resort club they have spacious rooms in the cottage, there is everything for children, from the sea on the doorstep, calm and quiet. Well, until we arrived, was exactly so,” joked Sergei.
      Сергей Пынзарь увез двухмесячного сына из душной Москвы

      Members ex-member of “House-2” in Instagram was overjoyed about the fact that the family full squad made the long journey to be surrounded by nature. Some, however, expressed concern whether hard-David on the way. However, most fans wrote words of respect for Sergei.

      “The best and most caring husband. Would all such, Happiness and health to your family”, “More such men to our world, Yes, Sergey is a wonderful man! Gorgeous family!” “Sergei, you’re a man and a husband from God! Thanks to your parents for such a creation, “Welcome to the Crimea! Well done,” commented followers Pynzar.

      Daria and Sergey Pinzari: “Everything bad we have learned from each other”

      Interestingly, in a recent interview with “StarHit” and Daria appreciated her chosen. She admitted that next to Sergei, like a stone wall.

      “James is very reliable. For example, when we participated in the project “Dom-2″, we’ve had lots of unpleasant and provocative situations, but this man I was such a loyal friend that will not betray me nor the finances, nor for fame, nor for anything else,” admitted Daria.

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