Сергей Лазарев высказал свое мнение о номере участника "Евровидения"
13 may in the capital of Ukraine hosted the final of the international contest “Eurovision”, which took first place in the Portuguese Salvador Collected.

Сергей Лазарев высказал свое мнение о номере участника "Евровидения"

After the speech of the representative of Cyprus Omega Demirchyan, the Network began a heated discussion.

Many thought that his speech was repeated the number of our singer Sergey Lazarev, who represented Russia at the contest in 2016.

Сергей Лазарев высказал свое мнение о номере участника "Евровидения"

In the program “live” Sergei asked to comment on the situation.

“I saw it on the Internet. Fans made screenshots and started to send me. It is such an quote, “Hello” from Russia. Of course, flattered that we inspired, our last room sunk into the soul of some participants that they have decided to quote it. Don’t know is it good or bad. Probably good that we inspired them to it… However it is not very helpful – they were the leaders. The room is good but you still need to try to do something different,” – said Sergey.

Lazarev then took on the competition in third place.

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