Сергей Белоголовцев признался, что стеснялся сына с ДЦП Well-known artist has told, what thoughts visited him after the appearance of the heir to the light. But Sergei Belogolovtsev quickly realized that it is not necessary to hide a child’s illness from the public, but on the contrary, is to openly talk about it and to help children and families who are faced with a similar situation.

      Сергей Белоголовцев признался, что стеснялся сына с ДЦП

      Famous actor and showman Sergey Belogolovtsev and his wife Natalie have three children. The youngest child was born with a terrible diagnosis – cerebral palsy. In the program of Yulia Menshovoj “Alone with all”, he told me that the first time after the birth of a boy Zhenya he and his wife tried not to talk to others about the problem of their son.

      “We also, frankly, was hiding at first and for a long time. And Natasha did not take him to the shooting. Now I realize that was such a sin that we are too shy, and also we thought we have some defective, and some we wrong that we have such a child,” shared Belogolovtsev in conversation with Menshovoj.

      But Sergey and Natalia very quickly realized that doing the wrong thing in relation to your child. Belogolovtsev has decided to reconsider their views on the illness of the boy. He realized that it is not necessary to hide the problem. Moreover, it is necessary as often as possible to talk about it.

      “Then at some point we just said to myself: “It’s disgusting, it’s wrong, it’s bad for us and for him and for those other children that are the same, and for families. We must speak, shout, and need help. Do not say: all my life is over! Because you have no idea what an incredible mass of horrible, painful questions arise in the minds of parents,” – says TV presenter and showman.

      Belogolovtsev for a long time could not understand why the share his family had quite an ordeal.

      “For what? What is me what this for him, because he did not have time to sin, he only appeared, what is this punishment? The most important thing is to stop at some point to ask yourself, otherwise you go mad”, – said the showman.

      Sergey Yulia admitted, that only recently stopped asking the question. Now the showman is proud of Eugene, because his successor now leads a program on television, despite their diagnosis.

      Special children of the stars through the wall of indifference

      “We have a dream that I worked in the specialty – in fact, after graduating theatre school, I was probably the first professional actor with a diagnosis of “cerebral palsy”, – told “StarHit” about his work son Belogolovtsev. – You want guys like me, believe in yourself! At first taken aback, before this was filmed just with my dad in the O. S. P.-Studio, as a spectator. But when I came to the Studio and talked to the guide channel, decided to take a chance – agreed. Three days with dad was practicing, he helped to teach the text. Then my father went and bought me a costume for the filming, by the way, I must be like Larry king: bow tie and pants with suspenders. These suspenders dad the whole day was wound across Moscow”.

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