Сергей Соседов высмеял современные песни Пугачевой Also a music critic condemns the repertoire and Baskov Rotaru. Sergei Neighbors believes that experienced artists sing songs that are totally not appropriate for their rank. The man admitted that he was disappointed Diva.
Сергей Соседов высмеял современные песни Пугачевой

Sergei Neighbors never hesitated to speak her opinion on the musical creativity of famous artists. The man famous for harsh criticism, even when he was a regular participant of the program “Shark pen.” The TV show “the Secret in a million” a journalist once again went through the repertoire of some singers. Especially a lot of it talked about those songs, performed by Alla Pugacheva.

“In fact, Alla Borisovna has disappointed me the most. I don’t understand why she still goes on stage, because she’s got no voice, no tone, which had captivated the audience. And her performance in “new year party”, when she appeared in a pricey suit and a red beret, which costs a lot of money, I do consider bad taste. Of course, I heard her new song “I fly”, but that’s not it. Is Alla Borisovna does not understand this? These compositions of the level of Olga Buzova, and she does not need them,” said the man.

Neighbors also discussed the work of Sofia Rotaru and Nikolai Baskov. According to the man known and loved by millions artists sing absolute nonsense. He was sure that the masters of such a level needs thoughtful composition.

However, not all stars disappointing Sosedova. Communicating with Leroy Kudryavtseva, he noted that a lot of respect for Joseph Kobzon.

“There was a period when Kobzon was sick, barely got on stage, and I began to think: why is he doing this? It is time to retire! But after I paid attention to how he behaves on stage. He lit this thing, fueled them, and that musical creativity helps Kobzon to live. And he always sings live, which also deserves respect,” – said Sergey.

Neighbors denied that it has a scandalous reputation, because he often hurt stars for his harsh statements. However, the man said that never tried to intentionally humiliate artists. He only expressed constructive criticism that could help the singers become better.

Now music critic continues to monitor the domestic stage. The man notes that the repertoire of many of the stars of the scene. According to Sosedova due to the fact that the artists continue to lose their creative individuality.

The man has answered the questions that concerned not only work but also personal life. So, Sergei confirmed his sexual orientation. Now he is lonely, but hopes someday to meet a congenial man. Moreover, Neighbors wants to become a father and ready to make any sacrifice.