Выбор имени сына Андрея Малахова вызвал небывалый ажиотаж
TV presenter did not expect such attention to his firstborn.

Andrey Malakhov

Photo: Instagram.com

A few days ago in the family of Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva happened replenishment. The TV host son was born. The happy parents have not yet chosen a name for the baby. Discussion of potential name of the heir Malakhov has fascinated many users of the Network. One popular online resource even taken a vote, to participate in which was made up of hundreds of people. Each of the fans of the TV presenter tries to guess the right name.

Poll creators somehow believe that she will name her son in honor of one of the oligarchs. In this regard, there have been some male names: Roman, Mikhail, Oleg, Dmitry, Alexander and Vladimir. Especially popular among fans of Andrew are two names. Now Malakhov will have to choose which name he would prefer.

Andrew personally supervises the results of the vote and, by the way, did not make fun of the results. In his microblog Malakhov has published a very serious question to fans. “So Vladimir or Roman?” — can’t resolve host. Andrew, by the way, intends to become not just a dad, and a super dad. The TV host has already learned the basic skills of newborn care, and his wife admitted that will soon be on the job.