Седокова похвасталась идеальным прессом

The singer frequently posts pictures from the summer holidays.

The holiday season and the beautiful shots from the beach Dubtsova met in the Maldives and Buzova managed to boast of the new-fangled swimsuits in Dubai.

Anna Sedokova decided to spend the summer vacation with his family in the Mexican city of San Jose del Cabo. Star for a year eats right and spends a lot of time training, so fans of Anna often see images in swimsuit.

Among the photos of beautiful food, professional activity, travel and filming is divided Sedokova candid photos: why be ashamed, if the body is perfect?

Recently tanned and taut Sedokova published a picture in a bikini.

“Beautiful figure, she gave birth to two children and looks so good”, “Ideal”, “Anya, you’re a goddess,” “Pretty woman, “that’s the press,” – commented the followers of the star its the.

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