Скандал! Виктория Боня публично оскорбила Ксению Собчак
Ex-member of popular TV project “Dom-2” can not forget the insults.

Скандал! Виктория Боня публично оскорбила Ксению Собчак

Victoria Bonia

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Ksenia Sobchak

Photo: Yury Feklistov

In a stellar coterie no longer a secret that Ksenia Sobchak and Victoria Bonia dislike
each other: girls have repeatedly engaged in a public squabble. Recently Bonya once
throwing a stone in the garden presenter, published in his microblog angry post
addressed to Xenia.

“Sobchak wrote only to attract attention to
its an absolutely ugly person. I’m not talking about her ugly appearance, the
her ugly filling. She hates me because I, a former member
project, suddenly began to appear at international events, and it it warps
and it was there nobody knows, says Bonia. — She ugly
man? So she was given this appearance, in the next life it will generally be
a crocodile or a rat, you know?”

Victoria Bonya sure that Ksenia Sobchak allegedly
involved in the distribution of intimate photos. Girls do not communicate for several years.

According to Victoria, Ksenia ugly acts against
to my close girlfriends. “I say what I can tell in the eyes. That is, I
not something to sit and throw someone back. All I can say in
eyes, says Bonia. She deserved the words that I now about it
say. Because she was poisoning my life.”