Скандал! Актеров сериала «Ольга» избили в центре Москвы
Attacking artists, drunken Muscovite wrote them a statement to the police.

Скандал! Актеров сериала «Ольга» избили в центре Москвы

Alina Alekseeva and Boris Dergachev,
known for the TV series “Olga”, could hardly imagine how the end for them, a languid evening in
Moscow bar. Actors often visit
the restaurant, located in the city center, but it was the night from 15th to 16th may
they’ll remember for a long time.

Artists rest easy, when
around midnight, they were approached by an unknown man. Later it turned out that it was
37-year-old Muscovite Daniel, living in the alley Sivtsev Vrazhek — the economist
education. At
said Alexeyeva, a visitor of the bar was drunk and instead of
ask for an autograph or to be photographed with the stars, immediately began to insult
Alina and her companion. About it reports a mk.ru.
Daniel called Alexeyev and Dergacheva second-rate actors and began to shout out other, less
hurtful words. First, Alina and Boris tried to pretend that nothing
going on, but it didn’t help. From the words of the man moved to action — he grabbed
Dergacheva by the collar, dragged into the street and methodically began to beat it. Yet
Boris defended from the enemy, Alexeeva asked the bartender urgently call
the police, and then, without losing a moment, hastened to the rescue. It
rushed to the instigator of the fight with items and even, as says Daniel, from the soul whacked
him with a stick on the back. In response, the economist punched a girl in the face.

However, an object caught in
head brawler (according to Alina, it was glass), and a blow with a stick on
back made itself felt at once, so a fight, Daniel was forced to stop. It
went to the Sklifosovsky research Institute to take a beating. Doctors have recorded Daniel’s injury
the crown and injury of the forearm. The injuries recorded and the actors — they have diagnosed
soft tissue injuries. Later, all three participants described events was found
in the police station where written statements at each other. The next morning, Daniel said,
that absolutely does not remember what happened during the night and apologized for their actions.