Скандал! 60-летняя испанка борется за право быть признанной единственной дочкой Сальвадора Дали
The pretender to the inheritance requires genetic testing.

Скандал! 60-летняя испанка борется за право быть признанной единственной дочкой Сальвадора Дали

Salvador Dali


Mariea, Abel Martinez

In Spain inflames a court battle between
The Foundation Gave a 60-year-old Mary Abel Martinez. The fact that this lady
said that she is the only daughter of Salvador Dali, and
accordingly, his legitimate heir. Moreover, it is not limited to
unfounded claims, and demands of genetic testing with
the purpose of establishing paternity. This was reported by the website contactmusic.com.

According to Martinez, she was born in
the result of the affair between her mother Mary and the artist that took place in 1955
year. While Mary recalls her mother’s words, not just speaking to her that
she is a daughter of Dali. Besides, insists Martinez, she looks so much like Salvador’s that it finally convinced her
the rightness of her mom.

The problem is that for the
genetic examination is necessary to exhume the body of the artist. And
against this strongly objects Fund
Given. Thus, the court has already decided in favor of Martinez, so now
the lawyers of the Fund have declared their intention to appeal the verdict.

Meanwhile, until recently, was considered
Given that no accident had no children. After all, his Muse, Gala lived with the artist in
legally married for almost 50 years, as claimed by people who knew this couple, they
supposedly was a purely Platonic relationship. Moreover, some biographers have Given
believed that the artist died a virgin…