Сати Казанова собралась замуж за иностранца
The singer told about his personal life.

Сати Казанова собралась замуж за иностранца

Sati Kazanova


In life sati Casanova, big changes are coming: the singer is getting married. Fiance singer became the Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. For a long time, the actress did not comment on personal life, avoiding embarrassing questions, often meeting in various interviews.

“For many years, did not want to let in his personal life, was convinced that “happiness loves silence,” and all that stuff… this time I feel that need. I’m ready for it. Let it be from “first hand”. From gossip tired. To be public means to be naked all the time on the mind and on the court. It’s a given. And I accept now with gratitude. And share with you something special!” — written by Satie in his microblog.

Stefano Tiozzo

Photo: @stefanotiozzo Instagram Stefano, Tiozzo

In August, Sati and Stefano filed documents in the capital’s registry office. Fans in turn are not tired to congratulate the bride in the upcoming Grand event in her life. By the way, it is possible that the celebration on the occasion of the wedding will be held twice: in native Sati Kabardino-Balkaria and in Italy, where I came from, Tiozzo.

The wedding will take place soon. Now coming to the end of the last work related to the organization of the celebration of the singer, reports Hello.ru.