Сати Казанова поделилась фотографией в свадебном платье
Some time ago it became known that very soon a popular singer Sati Kazanova will tie the knot with Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo.

Сати Казанова поделилась фотографией в свадебном платье

Now preparations are underway for the celebration, and Sati choosing a wedding dress. The singer decided to share with your followers the future outfit for the wedding. But still retained the suspense by posting blurry photos.

Сати Казанова поделилась фотографией в свадебном платье

Сати Казанова поделилась фотографией в свадебном платье

Although it may be just one of the options, if judged according to the folk belief that the groom should not see the bride’s attire.

Is still unknown the exact date of the celebration, perhaps Sati is and will be kept confidential, but only after the wedding will share with my followers photos.

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