Саша Стриженова следует наставлениям Ирины Винер The daughter of famous parents are planning to arrive on economic faculty. Alexander and Ekaterina Strizhenova dissuaded from acting profession, and her sister explained without mathematics in this world anywhere. Girl puts a lot of effort to be the best in everything.

Family Strizhenova is considered exemplary in the domestic show-business. The youngest daughter Alexandra in this school year’s graduating high school, she decided to enroll in economic faculty. “She continues photo shoots, fashion shows, or even invited to the event. It’s all a hobby, it may be attached to the main profession. The eldest daughter Nastya, her husband Peter was convinced that without mathematics nowhere today that it is the basis of the future that you need to choose a profession in which career will depend on the level of knowledge, not the taste of the Director. So Sasha, are preparing to enter, he leans on mathematics, Russian, English, and social studies,” – said Ekaterina Strizhenova.

Star’s mom said that her daughter does well, but could improve the result. Besides, Sasha is able to include a “healthy indifference”. According to Strizhenovoj, a graduate of one of the most complex tasks in school and not worried about a test and Olympiads.

“I think this is a good quality of character. Although the result view in the summer following the arrivals. Sasha, of course, the straight a student syndrome — we all have a family has a desire to be a leader in the cause for which you undertake. Speaking of nature, can not fail to note that artistic gymnastics Irina Alexandrovna Viner were not in vain. She of all the girls motivated to be the best, despite the conditions and difficulties, taught them to concentrate and produce a result,” said Catherine.

The presenter stressed that the youngest daughter will continue her studies in Moscow. Unlike the older Anastasia, Alexandra is not eager to go abroad.

“Anastasia has always wanted to be perceived as an individual. To the merits of grandparents, moms and dads did not affect her life. Therefore, ran away from us so far.” – Catherine added.

According to Strizhenovoj, the eldest heir to not depend on stellar parent. Catherine and Alexander did not provide financial support to the girl. “As soon as she had received the first salary, she refused assistance. Now we do not send money, she and her husband fully self-sufficient and, when possible, travel with us,” – shared TV presenter with the publication of “TV”.