Рассел Кроу располнел до 140 килограммов
Fans and friends of Russell Crowe concerned for his health.

Russell Crowe


The once taut and muscular Russell Crowe,
as he was when he played his famous role in “Gladiator” has become a
its the complete opposite. For the sake of his new movie, he gained weight up to
136 kilograms.

Of course, many actors in Hollywood for
interesting roles are willing to drop or gain weight. It is not just done and
Matthew McConaughey and Christian bale, Renee Zelleweger… But they are all at the end
work on their projects, restored form. As for Crowe,
then once starting to gain weight, he was unable to return to its previous form.

By the time when Crowe was offered the role in the film
“Goodfellas”, he weighed almost 100 pounds. But when the Director of the project
decided that the hero of Russell’s should be even bigger, he without hesitation agreed
to gain another 20 pounds that was given to him, when its apparent tendency to corpulence, a very
just. However, when, at the end of filming, he had to lose weight, get rid of
weight gain was much more difficult.

But even being able to lose weight, Crowe could not resist on
reached the form and again began to put on weight. And now the weight of a 53-year-old actor approaching
140 pounds… And although his new role in the biographical drama Boy Erased it was very
by the way, whether Russell when the shooting is finished, get rid of
dialed kilograms — the big question… currently, as friends and fans of the crow
seriously concerned about how the experiments of Russell on their weight may end
account to affect his health.