Джоан Роулинг закончила работу над сценарием фильма «Фантастические звери и места их обитания 2»

The famous British author JK Rowling gave the world Harry Potter finished writing the script for the second series of strips “Fantastic beasts and their habitats”. About this members Joan learned from her page on Twitter.

“You have already completed work on the script for “Fantastic beasts 2″? Tell me, woman!” — written by Joan podistica with the nickname martinha.
“Yes, completed, but I haven’t been able to tell you, woman!” — suddenly all replied Rowling.
Recall that the release of the new part of the franchise will be released in November next year. The second series will shoot David Yates, the same one that worked on the first tape. In leading roles we will see the same Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller and the big surprise of the first series – johnny Depp.