«Ранетка» Женя Огурцова ответит в суде за разврат в видеоблоге The audience did not appreciate the frankness of the artist. About that young woman herself told subscribers in Instagram. The reason was her provocative video in which the guitarist said about addiction to alcohol and love for bad soap operas.
«Ранетка» Женя Огурцова ответит в суде за разврат в видеоблоге

Recently participating in the once popular group “Ranetki” are reunited. Now beauties meet regularly to record videos for loyal fans. However, not everyone appreciated recording artists revelation. “Ranetki” 10 years later: a failed marriage, illness and techniques of psychics

If in the first video the girls talked about the group, the causes of its disintegration and funny tour stories, then later, the blog started out with a mark “18+”. The last movie, to Cucumbers and are having problems, she paints tells the audience about nontraditional relationships, work in a sex shop and abuse of alcohol. After viewing some users of the social network considered, in the words of Eugene wrongdoing.

Our channel “KURAGA” not even two months and I already want to file a lawsuit in court. So here I am, it turns out, the scandalous person. But only told a few facts about his life and his views, as immediately accused of promoting homosexuality, sex, and alcoholism. Yes, I normally treat people with a different sexual orientation, sometimes drink, and do not live in a time when sex was not (type).

It should be noted that a young mother do not conceal his very questionable tastes. Despite the fact that Ogurtsov was not the first time married, in detail in the video she shared with fans his thoughts about unconventional love. The guitarist admitted that hooked on the TV series “Sex in another city”, which shows a lesbian relationship. In addition, the reason to write the application on the redheaded actress could be another story. It turned out that Zhenya periodically resorts to drinks. According to the musician, now together with her husband they trying to get rid of bad habits.

“I love to drink strong drinks. Really, I’m just addicted, I think from alcohol. And if I go to some party, guaranteed I’ll be the king of the party: get drunk, gonna dance on the bar and do some more funny things,” says the “ranetka”.