Беременные Рита Дакота и Юлия Ковальчук обратились друг к другу со словами поддержки
Admirers of famous singers Julia Kovalchuk and Rita Dakota know that both girls are now in the last stages of pregnancy.

Беременные Рита Дакота и Юлия Ковальчук обратились друг к другу со словами поддержки

In their Instagram girls had a nice chat, and Rita inadvertently revealed the truth about the field of the future baby Julie, making it clear that they are both expecting the birth of daughters.

Беременные Рита Дакота и Юлия Ковальчук обратились друг к другу со словами поддержки

“Olushka, I really congratulate you and so happy. This is a real space! And so cool that we’re side by side,” left a comment Dakota. “Thank You, Ritochka. I feel that we are very next,” wrote in response Kovalchuk. “So our krevetki doomed be friends,” commented Rita.

Rita and Julia the whole period of pregnancy behaved quite differently. Dakota almost from the first months told me how the pregnancy, and Julia to the last concealed his position.

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