Беременная Ксения Собчак развлекается накануне родов The star attends the fashion show and goes to the movies. Ksenia Sobchak, which from day to day will become a mother tries to organise my time to manage to get as much positive emotions. And it is art that brings the expectant mother of incredible joy.

      34-year-old Ksenia Sobchak, as is known, will soon become a mother. The firstfruits teledive and her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan will be born in early November. Ksenia Sobchak can celebrate a birthday with my firstborn

      However, the approaching childbirth for Ksenia Sobchak is not a reason to sit in four walls. Star enjoys going to the movies and museums. Apparently, she feels in the final stages of pregnancy, she leads an active lifestyle and doesn’t plan to deny myself any pleasures. Sobchak tries to organize your day to allow time for the positive emotions. It is art that gives her joy, delight and admiration.

      Last Friday, Ksenia Sobchak look at the cinema of the domestic blockbuster “Icebreaker”. Impressions of the expectant mother shared with subscribers microblog.

      “Looked “Icebreaker”. This format is a very good movie. Fedorov, PAL, Puskepalis – all beautiful. More such blockbusters,” wrote Sobchak.

      And on Saturday the star spent in the “Multimedia Art Museum” on the Ostozhenka. There these days is the exhibition of one of the main leaders of the Russian artistic avant-garde of the early twentieth century, Alexander Rodchenko’s “Experiments for the future.” The exhibition brought Ksenia Sobchak in delight.

      “Went to a splendid exhibition of Rodchenko. In addition to visual enjoyment, it became clear how there was an Idea-is IKEA” – shared telediva subscribers microblog.

      It is worth noting that the photos that are published by Ksenia Sobchak in the microblog, proving that a woman who is expecting a baby divinely beautiful. And if so, then there is nothing to hide the beauty of the house. Ksenia Sobchak constantly appears in public, demonstrating how she is gorgeous and stylish looks.

      But emotions about the upcoming birth into the light of Ksenia Sobchak prefers the public not to share. By the way, fans of celebrities have recently come to the conclusion that the TV presenter is expecting a boy. They concluded this after analyzing the shape of the abdomen of Xenia. According to most followers of Xenia, her family will have a son. The star herself these conjectures are left without comment.