Беременная Дарья Пынзарь устроила пикник с Ксенией Бородиной During the may holidays the stars “House-2” took a walk on the lap of nature. The company Ksenia Borodina made her baby Theon and Daria Pynzar went to rest with her husband and four year old son. The tight group had a fun time and garner new experiences.


    Беременная Дарья Пынзарь устроила пикник с Ксенией Бородиной

    May is the perfect time for trips to nature, as well as picnics and family gatherings. Similarly, thought Daria Pynzar and Ksenia Borodina. TV stars have gone to rest from everyday city life in a rural restaurant complex outside Moscow.

    The joint with the ex-participant of “House-2” Ksenia accompanied by the following text: “With my pregnant Darya Pynzar in nature”. In the picture Kim’s embrace and demonstrate the joy of communicating with each other. Subscribers Borodina called girls “cool and cute” and said they look great.

    Along with Ksenia Borodina took his little daughter to Theon. The baby has not yet turned a year old. Ksenia tries not to show the face of his heiress, to isolate it from the scrutiny of the public. No wonder, because the child is still only four months. Fans of Xenia was glad of her happiness, because Borodin doted in his Theon. The photo with the child in a charming pink suit and plain hat Ksenia has supplied multiple emoticons in the form of hearts and kisses. Subscribers microblog TV presenter wrote: “How cute”, “Best girl”, “love”, “mother’s cake”, “Lucky Tee with mommy”, “Health to the Princess”, “Beauty”, “Little happiness”.

    As for Daria Pynzar, which very soon will become a mother for the second time, the girl went on a picnic with her beloved husband, whom she met on the project “Dom-2”, as well as their son — four-year-old Artem. “Had a really nice day in good company,” — commented on his trip Darya.

    Беременная Дарья Пынзарь устроила пикник с Ксенией Бородиной

    Favorite boys Pynzar — her husband and heir — love to play soccer on a specially equipped field on site. Daria’s husband was running on it barefoot. The family of Panzara had fun chasing the ball together with other families that also decided the same day to get out of town and relax.

    We will remind that 29-year-old Darya Pynzar is currently in the last months of pregnancy. Not long ago, the former participant “Houses-2” have arranged a holiday in occasion of the forthcoming replenishment in my happy family. To organize the celebration of Daria approached very responsibly, hiring decorators who have decorated the room with paper flowers and balloons, delicate flowers. Among guests were acquaintances and friends Pynzar, including Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova, Irina Agibalova, Elena Bushina, and many others.

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