Полина Диброва располнела за отпуск
The wife of broadcaster complained about the extra weight.

Полина Диброва располнела за отпуск

Polina and Dmitry Dibrovy

Photo: @Instagram polinadibrova Polina Dibrova

Polina and Dmitry Dibrovy finally back from a month vacation spent in the States. TV presenter with his wife brought back from a vacation vivid memories, several suitcases of gifts for children, and more… those extra pounds. Pauline was honest with subscribers on the social network: during the vacation, she abandoned all of their diet. This is reflected in its figure. She scored five extra pounds, as, incidentally, her husband.

Polina and Dmitry Dibrovy

Photo: @Instagram polinadibrova Polina Dibrova

Now Pauline will quickly (in a week) to get back in shape. Soon a close friend of Dibrova planned wedding, so she needs to be in whatever was the “meddle” in the right dress. After returning home, Pauline rushed to remedial massage and sat on a strict diet. “The first few days needed for recovery — a change of climate and time zone. And of course there was a lot of household chores, pleasant worries.

But, most importantly, kids! Finally we’re all together. A vacation with my husband is always beneficial relations, new faces, old ones, obsolete. For the second year in a row, our New Year begins with the return from America. Filled with the strength and spirit approach new challenges and tasks”, — shared his plans for Pauline. One of these tasks is the planning of the celebration of the birth of the son Alexander. In February it will be eight years. It is expected that Dibrovy, as always, will celebrate a family holiday noisy and fun.