«Плюс 5 кг!» Елена Темникова показала изменившуюся фигуру
The singer gained during the holidays.

Photo: Instagram

Elena Temnikova, who was always proud of her figure, told about the problem. During the holidays, the singer is spending with her husband and daughter on the exclusive Greek resort, the star gained a whopping five pounds!

“Normal people in the summer stroiput. I — as usual — laughing Temnikova. — And it’s still only the middle of summer! Soon the video for the song “Unfashionable”… it is Necessary to stop eating the night.. chami… chami… Write it all and eats a Twix. How to take the first step to a normal diet? Who knows? Because I carry everything on tomorrow or Monday.”

Fans of Temnikova was amazed, that is, it has the same emotional battering from the diet. Previously, everyone thought that the singer has a truly iron will power. However, usually it is, just on vacation it is very easy to relax.

Meanwhile, fans said that Elena looks just gorgeous, and the extra pounds that are special and not visible to an outsider, I made the star even more sexual — there were flowing lines and curves. “In “MGM” little added,” the envied one of podeschi Temnikova.

At least Elena and asked the fans who like to motivate ourselves in a healthy lifestyle, in fact she knows herself. After birth Temnikova in record time, brought himself into great shape through proper diet and hardware procedures.

“After childbirth, when physical activity was restricted, slim figure helped me and also hardware treatments – mesotherapy, pressotherapy. Today technology is so advanced that a half hour intense workout at the gym, you can replace it thirty minutes sleep on the couch — this must be used! — told the singer. — Try to follow a proper diet. This means that the diet should be balanced depending on the state of your health and the needs of your body. But there are General rules — eat at the same time, eat often but in small portions and don’t eat too much at night. Sometimes, of course, you can treat yourself to a slice of cake or a Burger, but this should be a rare exception to the rule”.