Пирс Броснан вознамерился стать певцом
The actor is going to surprise the world with their vocals.

Пирс Броснан вознамерился стать певцом

Pierce Brosnan


64-year-old pierce Brosnan, famous for
performance as James bond said,
that prepares his fans a surprise. Pierce is seriously engaged in singing and intend
impress the audience with the demonstration of their achievements.

As previously announced, will Brosnanu
in the near future to begin work on the set of the sequel to one of their hits
2008 year of the musical “Mamma MIA”. In the new movie will have most of the stars,
involved in an old movie: Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Amanda Seyfried.
Will there be in the new Swedish film actor Stellan Skarsgard, who played in
last time one of the former lovers of the main character, is still unknown. At
the available data, the focus of the story will be this time made on the relationship
characters Meryl Streep and Brosnan. The audience
will be able to see this movie next summer.

In a recent interview, pierce said: “I will sing, I
love it very much. And although I was offered this role, not because of my vocal abilities
I’m not going to shy away from this task. And I do not care who and
thought about it!” However, since the last time Brosnan has criticized
for his vocals, he is now approached more responsibly. Pierce hired
teacher and for several months worked under his leadership.
“Now I’m really ready to sing, and I hope the world is ready to hear me!” —
smile said the actor.

Meryl Streep and pierce Brosnan in “Mama MIA!”

Photo: Outnow