Фотография Анфисы Чеховой в бикини вызвала много шума
Now Anfisa Chekhova is on vacation, and it’s for a family holiday chose Italy.

Фотография Анфисы Чеховой в бикини вызвала много шума

Anfisa often indulges fans with photos from holidays in which she shows how she takes a vacation.

But fans the most confused images, which Came sealed in a bikini. Fans decided that the star overdid it with using photoshop, giving yourself a slim waist. They noticed that the background photo is blurred, the result was concluded that over them before publishing the work.

Фотография Анфисы Чеховой в бикини вызвала много шума

“It is strange that Breasts are not lost When they leave…pounds, the Breasts usually melts faster”, “Shoot I never would have thought that even she photoshops everything. Sorry”, “I still love Chekhov and admire her, though, and see that the figure is not her!” “All spread out, where the hands, waist, legs – it is evident that processed from the soul,” wrote a follower.

To receive such feedback for Anfisa is not the first time, so she simply ignores them, placing all the new photos.

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