Паулина Андреева потрясла эротичным нарядом из латекса
The actress wore the costume of Catwoman.

Паулина Андреева потрясла эротичным нарядом из латекса

Paulina Andreeva

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Паулина Андреева потрясла эротичным нарядом из латекса

Paulina Andreeva and Irina Pegova (scava in the image of Charlie Chaplin)

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Actress Paulina Andreeva tried on a slinky jumpsuit in black latex, very reminiscent of the costume Catwoman from the famous Hollywood blockbuster. In this oversexualised the appearance of the star of the TV series
“The thaw” and “Method” appears in a new play
his native Moscow art theatre them.Chekhov — “DREAMWORKS.MACCABIADA”.

Паулина Андреева потрясла эротичным нарядом из латекса

By Philip Jankowski and Irina Pegova

Photo: Yury Feklistov

However, such outfits for the heroine Andreeva quite suitable. Indeed, in the play of Ivan vyrypayev Paulina plays the seductive mistress of a businessman (the main male role — the head of the American magazine played by Philip Jankowski). And history Director Victor Ryzhakov decided in the style of a Hollywood movie.

In an unusual form will appear and other participants of the production. So, Irina Pegova in one scene, try on the suit of Charlie Chaplin.

A scene from the play

Photo: Yury Feklistov

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