Участница «Холостяка» Алиса Лисс: «Я пожертвовала собой, чтобы уберечь Егора от боли» The girl revealed the unflattering truth about the rival Nicole. Alice Liss was honest with Egor Creed, so I told him about the young man opponent. Nicole previously admitted to a colleague on the show, that she is the chosen one, who “waited for her in the will.
Участница «Холостяка» Алиса Лисс: «Я пожертвовала собой, чтобы уберечь Егора от боли»

33-year-old model-albino Alice Liss was one of the most prominent participants show “the Bachelor.” The girl made an impression on Yegor creed, but the latest release was forced to leave the project. She explained the difficulties faced on the show. In an interview with “StarHit” the Liss said, how was her relationship with other girls, and also shared why he revealed the truth about Nicole in conversation with the bachelor.

The star of “the Bachelor” has frankly told about their pathology

– What was the most difficult for you at the show “the Bachelor” on TNT?

– The participation in the project and everything within it – a rather stressful experience as I was faced with such the behavior of people and such situations and elections, which did not happen in everyday life. After all, the show is not possible to abstract completely from what is happening around in a kind of constant contact with the participants of the show.

-You talked about the complexity of choice. There was a lot of situations during your involvement in the project?

– Yes, quite a lot, but perhaps the most difficult was the situation that led to my leaving the show. Frankly, before this happened, I was thinking to leave the project. But almost to the very end, I was in the process of reflection, trying to decide if I want to continue to participate. It helped me (and not only) finally to dot the i.

Viewers and fans of the show “the Bachelor” after this series of the project was divided into two camps. Someone who supports Nicole, and someone thinks that you are in this situation did the right thing. But they know the whole story, only two people – you and Nicole. What happened actually?

– Let’s start from the beginning. One day, as has been shown in the penultimate issue, Nicole came to me with a question about her ex, the man she almost married. But it was only once of several. Due to the fact that airtime can’t fit a whole week of shooting (and trying to fit in 2 hours of airtime), but still can’t always catch all the participants in sight of the camera, Nicole held several conversations when there were witnesses. She came with questions already about her current choices, which she said “was waiting for her on the outside,” and with whom they were supposedly pretty complicated relationship, but serious and goes far beyond friendship.

You immediately wanted to warn about this happening?

For myself, I decided to look at how Egor relates to Nicole, and if this relationship is serious enough that I have nothing to say But pretty soon it became clear that Yegor imbued with Nicole, begins to trust her. Here began the struggle of my motives. But I’d long pondered how to do the right thing, if I have not approached one of those present at the Villa and did not start to blackmail me. I don’t know what was her claim to Nicole, but the essence of her statement was the following: “they Say that if you don’t tell Egor that Nicole’s got a man, I’ll tell him about it, and you’ll lose his trust.” Because for me it was very important the trust of Egor, I realized that I would have to tell him about what I know.

In the end, your conversation with Yegor took place?

– Yes, after the football match I went to Yegor, and we had a conversation. I asked his advice about a difficult situation in which I found myself, saying, I have information, but I don’t want to look like a Snitch, again, to hide nothing. He wanted to hear the information that I possessed. So Egor and learned for the first time about Nicole and especially her personal life. Further, as already shown in nevoshedshie the video, he asked me, as he to her, for in the same day, even after it became clear about Sonia, which actually stunned him. I gave him a promise not to help Nicole’s advice. But I could not remain indifferent and decided to give Nicole a chance itself to confess that Egor has always been very revealing. Nicole this chance is not used because, according to Egor, she denied everything in the Church that he heard from me. Recall to be clear that I am not one knew about the existence of men outside of the project. As a result, Egor did not believe neither me or Nicole.

– Why do you think he didn’t believe the both of you?

Because he was severely traumatized by the situation with Sonya, and was not ready to once again put themselves at risk.

Did you know that for you such an act of honesty can end in tears. Why dare?

Yeah, I knew that going in. And if it had not happened that a stalemate, in which I put one of those present at the draft, I still would have done the same. But I was willing to sacrifice himself as a participant and loved one to protect Egor from one of deep disappointment. At least in this situation, I could do it. And if you feel that you can keep close from the pain, it imposes a certain responsibility. I decided to help Yegor.

– If you had a chance to replay, would you do it?

– I wouldn’t change anything. I do not have a relationship with Greg, but with my conscience I left in the best ways.