Папарацци подловили Джулию Робертс целующейся с таинственным незнакомцем
Julia fanned speculation about a crisis in her family life.

Julia Roberts


serious problems in the family of Julia Roberts are distributed in Hollywood already
for a long time. But recently the actress gave a new reason to say that her marriage is far
not the best way. The fact that Julia was caught kissing unknown
man. These pictures first published online edition radaronline.com.

Rendezvous with
mysterious stranger took place in Malibu: the reporters waylaid 49-year-old Julia,
when she left with an unidentified man from the restaurant Soho House.
Paparazzi managed to capture how the actress gave an unknown a kiss on the lips
and hugged him. And then they talked for a long time, ignoring the presence
members of the press.

It is possible, of course, that reporters were
witnesses only meeting Roberts with her old friend, and kiss of actress
was just a manifestation of her hot friendship. But given resistant
talk about long-brewing crisis in her relationship with her husband Danny Moder,
this can be and question. After all, according to informants some publications,
including In Touch,
Julia and Danny no longer live together. She and her children still takes them
the old family mansion, and Modernization were resettled from them and settled down in the house
smaller, nearby to be able to visit their

Recall that
Roberts and Moder have been married for almost 15 years and during that time managed to produce
light three children: twins hazel and Finn had already turned 12 years old and younger
Henry is only 9 years old. And Julia and Danny are very attached to their children.
Perhaps that is why, despite the existing problems they are not solved
terminate their marriage. However, time will tell how it will develop further