Над Кристен Риттер издевались в школе

35-year-old actress Kristen Ritter, better known for her role in the TV series “Jessica Jones” graced the November cover of the magazine Women’s Health and told about how she was bullied in school.

Над Кристен Риттер издевались в школе

The magazine Ritter spoke about how she was bullied in school. Not always the girl all was well, although she became a model during summer vacation. She went to new York, where he worked as a model. She believes that jealousy gave rise to those abuses, which collapsed on her in high school. ‘But you’ll never know,” says the actress. “You’re just different from them, and to be different is bad.” The actress did not hesitate to defend myself and claim that to be different is good!

‘I can’t describe myself as demure and don’t want the other girls living the life. I want to convey to girls that you need to live a full leg, use your brains, to engage in conversations and not to close yourself.” said the actress.

Thanks to this experience, Ritter has become much stronger and more confident. In the journal she also told readers about their ways to remain calm and to cope with adversity. The actress can not imagine my life without meditation, which helps her to calm down and gather my thoughts. Even during filming, Kristen finds a quiet place to do what you love. So it has set for itself install find the good in every situation.

Над Кристен Риттер издевались в школе

“When I had something bad, I’m trying to implement it in their work. And then I feel lighter, it’s like spring cleaning. I think so do all artists, because it is a way to communicate their feelings,” said Ritter.

The girl confessed that she is the person who inspires her. It’s Bryan Cranston. “He’s one of the most generous men I have ever met. He wants to give so much. And I also try to do so. When I meet people with no experience, I try to give them all the tools, all the things I’ve learned in my life,” says Ritter.

The actress is in fine form and showed on the cover of a beautiful figure. She posed in a cropped sweater the color of grapefruit. Minimum makeup and natural hair. As Ritter posed in a short sport shorts and black top, where you can see her slender legs.

Soon she will appear on the screens in the second season of the Netflix “Defenders”. She had long trained for this role, it must play a lot of scenes of fights in melee. The first time the actress didn’t even know how to fight, but soon she had to do it all the time, though not really. This makes it much stronger and more “it’s so much fun!”.