Ольгу Бузову ждет вторая свадьба и рождение сына
The TV presenter confirmed the intention to have a baby soon.

Olga Buzova

Photo: freeze-frame of the show “the invisible Man”

Olga Buzova became the main heroine of the program “the invisible Man”. During the filming of the production with the participation of the presenter magician, psychic, fortune teller and a psychologist told me that waiting for Olga in the future.

As it turned out, marriage Buzovoy Dmitry Tarasov, is not only in the life of the star of the show “Dom-2”. She predicted another marriage, and in the near future. In addition, the program touched on a painful topic to Olga, the birth of her child. She admits that has long been dreaming about the baby. Hearing that after some time will be the boy’s mother, Buzova, who was in the nearby soothsayers room, overreacted. Olga confirmed the words of the fortune teller about his son: “of course!” By the way, at the end of transmission, coming from the secret room, Olga confessed that the description of her character and way of life almost completely coincided with reality.

Meanwhile, Olga and Dmitry are experiencing a crisis in the relationship. One version of the quarrel between the spouses is the lack the couple has children together. By the way in favor of this assumption recently made and rose Sabitova. “A family rests on a common reality: community property, children. If they had children, I think any separation would not have happened. What now? They will not hold together!” said the matchmaker in an interview with “Interlocutor”.