Ольга Бузова накормила собак из «приюта смерти» The star regrets that he could not take all the animals home. Olga Buzova brought some huge packets of food for four-legged, rescued from Eco Veshnyaki. “Leaving with a heavy heart,” leaving the orphanage, the star wrote in the microblog.

      Ольга Бузова накормила собак из «приюта смерти»

      TV presenter and actress Olga Buzova known for his love of dogs. Naturally, the star could not pass up the news about the mess in the Metropolitan animal shelter “EKO Veshnyaki. Deeply touched by this story, Olga Buzova has purchased several large packages of food for dogs, loaded all into the car and went to visit the rescued animals.

      About what she saw at the orphanage, Olga decided not to tell. Only wrote up four-legged with a heavy heart and regrets that he could not take them all home. I must say that not all subscribers Buzova, adequately responded to her act. Someone noticed that good works do not shout. However, these comrades would quite reasonably explained that Olga is a thousand times right, talking about his trip to animals. “It is important that people are screaming on every corner about what is important to us these animals, as will the court, and if you just take the dog, and not to shout: “Hey, neighbor, look, I saved the dog, now he’s my friend, and take you”, then other dogs, and will sit in a cage. I hope many friends of Olga, thanks to her post, will do the same as she. And let this chain never ends”, wrote one of the followers Buzova.

      Ольга Бузова накормила собак из «приюта смерти»

      Recall the terrible story associated with the mass death of animals on the territory of shelter “Eco Veshnyaki, did not leave indifferent not only ordinary residents of the capital, but also famous people. Stars, many of whom are themselves owners of cats and dogs, were shocked by the news coming from a place that was created to rescue the four-legged. Actress, singer, TV presenters doing the census in their microblogs, demanding severe punishment for those involved in the massacre of our smaller brethren.

      However, calls to sign the petition did not stop. Stars began to take real steps to help rescued animals. Yesterday, for example, the star of another reality show of channel TNT, the winner of “the Bachelor” Galina Rzhaksinsky auctioned one of her dresses. Proceeds the girl transferred to help the poor animals.

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