Олег Попов: «Клоунское искусство для меня - жизнь» In winter 2016, Oleg Konstantinovich presented the play “Let there always be sunshine” at the Circus on Fontanka. He talked about his life and work in the circus to the correspondent “StarHit”. We present the most striking quotes of deceased clown.

      Олег Попов: «Клоунское искусство для меня - жизнь»

      “In Rostov-on-don died Oleg Popov” – such headlines are full today Internet. It’s hard to believe because Oleg Konstantinovich was waiting in Russia for 30 years! Finally, he triumphantly returned – first made in Sochi, and then toured in St. Petersburg in a few months he had to play in Moscow…

      The correspondent of the “StarHit” this winter was among the few journalists who Oleg Konstantinovich took the time after the premiere of the play “Let there always be sunshine” at the Circus on Fontanka. We recall the brightest sayings of the legendary “Sunny clown”.

      “I haven’t been in Petersburg for over 30 years, but noticed that you have very little that has changed. Importantly, the building of the Circus on Fontanka has become better, it is noticeable that it has been updated recently, and it too was young, just like me. Moscow has changed so much that I even drove your dear home and did not recognize him. 30 years is a lot, but that’s for the city – it’s the MiG?”, – recalled the artist.

      Олег Попов: «Клоунское искусство для меня - жизнь»

      “Yes, I am old, of course I’m not a boy, and tired, but the fatigue, too, is different. Sometimes heavy and sometimes more, nice fatigue, when I am happy, worry, because the real clown profession is very heavy.”

      “You have no idea how hard it is to raise a new generation, when everything is changing at the speed of light – changing school life, you have to find where to eat, where to live, how to comfort people in difficult times, to teach them to interact with the animals”.

      “One of the most valuable gift for me – a greeting telegram to Vladimir Putin on the 70th anniversary, after which I understood that he would return to Russia.”

      “I came to the circus by accident, because no one in the childhood does not know who will be when they grow up. We in the yard, like everyone, played football, and often the ball hit the window, ran, then we found mom and abused…

      …Then I wanted to be a glazier, if I break something, then I have glass and I will do it. But then I began to look up – he wanted to be a pilot, my mom got sick, I wanted to be a doctor. And so he wandered, until he became an apprentice mechanic at the plant, where there was a circus school, with students whom I was friends. One day they invited me to himself, and afterwards accepted without any exams, because no one wanted to go there. A beautiful story? But there was another part, because it was wartime and when I was a mechanic, I have had the card for 550 grams of bread, and when I went to the circus, they gave me a card for 600 grams of bread”.

      “I was often deceived – once the Argentine impresario did we tour Europe. In several cities all went well, and at the end he took the money and disappeared – we went to the circus and there was nothing I could do. Now, if a person gets in trouble, he helps the Embassy and the Consulate, and then I didn’t know where to go.”

      Олег Попов: «Клоунское искусство для меня - жизнь»“The clown’s art is my life. And remember that clowns are not only born, they can be! It is a gift from God! All think that the carnival is put on red noses and colorful clothes and all. But there is something more in this sacrament.”

      “In the circus a little joke, because there are more show – take a Reprise of “Butterfly” or “Ray”, they understood all over the world. We are not pop music, not singers, we don’t talk and show and should be a life of pure circus art which will be clear in any language”.

      “I as a student, I never have enough time before the premiere. Almost every tour I get new ideas for Reprise, but I don’t have time to prepare for the premiere and during the performances add to it. If a person creates something new, it rusted! Even I at my age think of something, help”.

      “I love it when people praise me, but also not less like when I was abused. You know why – if it is done, then – you’re alive! The main thing is to feel alive, well, and to do so that you is not abused.”

      “Many wrote that the circus is dying and he is long. Yes, the 90s were hard, but not only in the circus and the theatre, everywhere. Many artists have gone into other areas, someone on a pension. But we survived this time and now took on a whole other level. I feel like I’ve gotten my second wind.”

      “In my childhood, dad and I went to the circus, where he met with Durov. And I’ll always remember how the clown gave me a balloon, which I kept and loved – when I became a clown, did a room with a ball, mindful of the feelings experienced in childhood”.

      “Why am I back now? Came to me nice people who promised me that everything will be at the highest level. Yes, and I’ve been wanting to see friends not seen for many years…

      …When I arrived in Sochi, I thought that it is necessary to finish the work, but going to the arena, I saw that the whole audience stood up and applauded, I realized that this is my second wind. I all the time go against the flow, but this time I’m going with the flow”.

      “When he died my husband, the whole year I had toured. But one day after my performance came to me a beautiful girl to get an autograph, which I immediately paid attention and wanted to meet you. When she handed me a sheet of paper, I said, “Sign it only after you give me your phone number!” She was embarrassed, but the phone has left. A few days later I called, we met and for many years has not parted with my Gabriela”.

      “Love the circus and you will be always healthy, happy and fun”.